We have an open PhD position to fill at the laboratory for Cognitive Psychology at Medical School Hamburg, Germany. Salary will be according to TVL-13; 75%. It is a fixed-term position for three years. Starting date is as soon as the position is filled.
The successful candidate will work in the project “Separating processes of dual-task coordination and dual-task coordination adjustment” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). More information on this topic can be found in Strobach (2024, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review). The project is led by Prof. Dr. Tilo Strobach. The candidate's tasks are the programming of behavioral experiments designed in the project, the coordination and implementation of the experiments, as well as the evaluation, modeling and documentation of the data.
Candidates should have a completed university degree (Master's, university diploma or comparable) in psychology, documented interest in basic psychological research, potential experience in the programming of experiments, knowledge of statistics and experience in using relevant statistical programs (e.g. SPSS or R), very good oral and written English skills (German is not mandatory but would be useful).
Please send your informative application (incl. CV, diplomas, list of publications if applicable, thesis), preferably by email in a single PDF file, to Tilo Strobach.
Application deadline: 20 December 2024