
Travel Funding

The ESCoP Travel Funding is a grant aimed at supporting graduate students to attend the conferences organized by the Society. In each conference year, the society aims to award up to 5 grants to support active participation of graduate students in ESCoP Conferences. Travel funding grants (up to 500 EUR each) will be awarded to cover conference fee and other expenses. Preference will be given to ESCoP Associate members. 

The application should be sent in .pdf format to the ESCoP Secretary. The document should contain the following:

  • the applicant’s CV 
  • accepted abstract (abstract acceptance is not required as part of the application for travel support but will be checked by the program committee)
  • a network plan – no more than 2-page, single-spaced, 12-point font summary of a networking plan and its relevance to the applicant's research program. A networking plan is to identify one or two target senior scientists that the applicant has arranged to meet during the conference. Applicant has to describe specific goals to be accomplished with these targeted scientist/s (e.g., develop a collaboration, exchange research ideas, receive input on experiments, a grant proposal or a manuscript) and contact people before the conference.  

Deadlines depend on abstract submission schedule and will be announced before the ESCoP Conference. The Committee will examine the proposals within a month of the deadline.

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