

ESCoP is a large and growing organisation with a healthy membership base in most European countries and around the world. The Society produces a paper-based directory with a listing of current members and their research interests.

Membership fees are paid bi-annually. If you are already a member and you want to extend your membership, please log in at the top of the website.

Both memberships include:
  • reduced fee for ESCoP meetings
  • priority in being accepted for events organized by ESCoP
  • Reduced Author Processing Charge for publishing in the Journal of Cognition
  • free newsletter
  • access to award and funding programmes
  • occasional membership from associated societies.

Associate membership

Associate membership is for you if you are in the initial stages of your research career, working on your Ph.D. or equivalent in an area of Cognitive Psychology. Associate membership would normally be limited to a maximum of five years. Any extension would be at the discretion of the Executive Committee. 

  • access to award and funding programmes, such as: ESCoP Early Career Publication Award (€1000), ESCoP Conference Attendance Funding, funding for organising ESCoP Thematic Meetings and Summer Schools
  • Associate members do not have voting privileges

€ 100 / 2 years

Become a member

Full membership

Full membership is for you if you are an active and established researcher in some area of Cognitive Psychology, you have a Ph.D. or equivalent, and recent publications in refereed journals of Psychology or related fields. Exceptionally, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, you may be admitted to full membership without fulfilling these criteria.

  • Access to award and funding programmes, such as: Bertelson Award, The ESCoP Early Career Publication Award, funding for organising ESCoP 
  • As a full member you are entitled to vote and candidate for becoming a member of the ESCoP Executive Committee.

€ 150 / 2 years

Become a member

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