Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, 29 September - 2 October 2011.
Organized by Manuel Carreiras.
Broadbent Lecture: "Working memory and language processing: An updated multiple-components view" by Randi Martin.
Bertelson Award Lecture: "Organization of executive functions: Asymetries along the x-axis" by Antonino Vallesi.
Keynote Lectures by Dana Small, Cathy Price and Robert Zatorre.
Budapest, Hungary, 29 August - 1 September 2013.
Organized by Csaba Pléh and Günther Knoblich.
Broadbent Lecture: "The salient self: how self-prioritization modulates percepetion" by Glyn Humphreys and Jie Sui.
Bertelson Award Lecture: "From cognition to neurochemicals" by Roi Cohen Kadosh.
Keynote Lectures by Nancy Kanwisher and Michael Tomasello.
Abstract book
Click here to see conference photos
Paphos, Cyprus, 17-10 September 2015.
Organized by Marios Avraamides.
Broadbent Lecture: " A core brain system in assembly of cognitive episodes” by John Duncan.
Bertelson Award Lecture: "Perception of symmetry: behavioural and neural mechanisms” by Zaira Cattaneo. Keynote Lectures by Nikos Logothetis and Peter Hagoort.
Abstract book
Click here to see conference photos
Potsdam, Germany, 3-6 September 2017
Organized by Martin Fischer
Boradbent Lecture: "The power of images: sensory systems, real emotions, virtual bodies" by Beatrice de Gelder
Bertelson Award Lecture: “Sharing the experiences of others: Understanding mechanisms of vicarious perception in mirror-touch synaesthesia" by Michael Banissy
Keynote Lecture: “Cognitive and brain mechanism for concepts and meaning: a review of the grounding / embodiment debate” by Friedemann Pulvermüller
Tenerife, Spain, 25-28 September 2019
Organised by Horacio A. Barber (University de La Laguna)
Boradbent Lecture: “Remembering with the benefit of foresight" by Anna Christina Nobre
Bertelson Award Lecture: “What controls cognitive control?" by Senne Braem
Keynote Lectures: “Ecological language: a multimodal approach to the study of language learning and processing” by Gabriella Vigliocco and "Two languages in one brain" by Manuel Carreiras.
Click here to see conference photos